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How To Begin Overcoming Your Social Anxiety - 3 Ways To Change The Way You Think

Writer: Sistaly Advice Sistaly Advice

Over 40 million adults suffer from anxiety. That's roughly 19.1% of adults in America. Since I was 19 years old, I too have struggled with social anxiety.

Its 2015 and I'm off to college to begin my adult life. All alone with no one to help me along my journey. I'm forced into adulthood with no manual. And so It begins. This is when I realized how socially awkward I really am.

Having realized my problem, I decided to take action to find a solution. Listed below are 4 ways that have helped me deal with this disorder.

Journaling to help deal with anxiety

Writing out your thoughts is a good way to sort through your feelings and express whats really going on inside. Many of us deal with the stress of work and school. Often times, you can be so consumed with outside things that you forget to check in with the person that matters most. You! By writing out your worries, it gives you a chance to go back and shuffle through your feelings. Not addressing your anxious thoughts, can ultimately lead to unhealthy behaviors.

Talk it out

The simplest way to deal with your anxiety is to talk it out with a friend. We as human beings are meant to communicate and express our feelings with others. You may think that people don't care what you have to say but let me remind you that you are important and people want to know what's on your mind.

The next time you text your friend, ask if you can talk to them about a personal matter. A real friend or loved one will most definitely care to listen. So often we get wrapped up in our own thoughts and feel as though what were thinking no one can relate to. I'm here to tell you that someone can relate to everyone. Including you!

"You have a treasure within you that is infinitely greater than anything the world can offer.” – Eckhart Tolle

Shut down your negative thoughts

So often, we can speak negatively to ourselves. For some, negative thoughts can be a automatic action, when these thoughts pop into your mind, shut them down by giving yourself a positive thought instead. A complement is a good way to start. Give yourself some credit for something that you did right.

Remember to never allow yourself to be so consumed by negativity self talk.

Emerge yourself in nature

Did you know the sun may help you with your anxiety. Something as simple as sitting outside and soaking up the sun can improve your thoughts and mood. According to "Getting some sun increases your serotonin and helps you stave off Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and sun exposure can also help people with anxiety and depression, especially in combination with other treatments."

You are much stronger

The next time you find yourself struggling, remember you don’t have to be apart of a statistic. Anxiety does not have to rule your life. Hopefully you can apply these tips if you find yourself struggle in the future.

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