On Mondays we meditate . Yoga For Black Girls is giving helpful tips on why you should meditate at the start of the week.
Did you know meditation can give you a sense of calm, peace and balance that can benefit both your emotional well-being and your overall health. Meditation may help carry you more calmly through your day or even week.

Ask Yourself...
When's the last time you took 5 minutes to yourself to meditate? Well your 5 minutes start now! We want you to be intentional with this practice.
First Things First, Find a Quiet Space
It is important that you find a quiet space. We know some of us are busy moms. Even so, you deserve quiet time too. Sis, its okay, run don't walk to find the nearest room, closet or bathroom to get away from any noise. If need be, put in a pair of earplugs are set your phone timer to 5 minutes (after you put it on do not disturb)
Now For The Good Part
Often times, we are not consciously aware of our physical being. In this moment, after your found solitude and sat on the floor or in a chair, begin to close your eyes and notice your body. Feel the weight of your self and press into it. Now recognize your breath pattern and begin to focus on controlling your breathing. Its ok if your mind begins to wonder, don't fight it, realize that you too can be distracted and allow yourself to come back to your intention of mediating. After you've refocused, end your session on a positive note and allow yourself to be thankful that you cared enough to focus on self.

Get Inspired
Now that you're a pro, next time go for 10 minutes. You can also grab your sista to do some meditation it with you.